Sunday, November 30, 2008

Brunei Zoo

When can we have a Zoo Negara in Brunei? Can't we allocate a portion of our vast wealth for the rakyat who can't afford to go to other countries to see the various animal species? Or let us just watch 'The Animal Planet'?

Daddy Kurapak: Please, include this in our next  Development Plan.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The art of stretching

Human body is stretchable. So is human wants. That's why nobody can satisfy his/her wants.
The first pic is rare asana yoga. Wanna try? Hahaha!!!!

Daddy Kurapak: Brunei Yakin.


Daddy Kurapak: Ain't she cute?

Facial Landscape

Daddy Kurapak: Look at the creation of Allah. So beautiful and adorable!

Friday, November 28, 2008

It costs USD 4.4 mil

If you have money, you can buy almost anything. This is Prince Waleed's 34th car.

Daddy Kurapak: Baik tah duit atu buat bantu orang miskin yang kan bali basikal pun payah.

I miss Mekah and Medinah so much

Yes...Hajj season is coming. My last visit to Mekah and medinah was in 1997.
How I long to be there again, to perform the tawaf, sa'e, and visit the tomb of the Prophet (pbuh).

Daddy Kurapak: Btw...the man in the pic is Yesser Arafat, the former Chairman of PLO. May Allah bless his soul. Amin.

Start your day with a smile

Daddy Kurapak: Good Morning, Bloggers!!!!!


The oldest person died at 115

Do you want to live long and healthy life? Edna Parker was 115 years old when she passed away in Indiana nursing Home. She never drank alcohol. Never smoked though.

Daddy Kurapak: Cos this great grandma didn't know what metalemphetamine is!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tunas Bangsa from Amman.

Look how happy these youths are without thinking of the risk they are posing to their health. I still remember the saying I got from Mr Hassan Kutty,  Kerala, " Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle and old age a regret".

Daddy Kurapak: Di Brunei pun ada sudah remaja macam ani. Ia tah 'tunas bangsa' tu kali ah?

That's what friends are 4

I still remember the evergreen lyrics: Pagi pagi lagi kita sudahlah bangun. Mandi cuci gigi serta pakailah sabun. Bila suda siap kita pergi sekolah. Baik-baik jaga jalan tepi sebelah

Daddy Kurapak: Please repeat.....hehe...and don't forget to smile....

Beauty and the Bomb

Just imagine..... such a beautiful lady met her end by C4 explosives!!!!! The world is so advanced. Yet this is the most cruel era....don't you all think so?

Brunei Own

When can we see this in Brunei? Another 100 years?

Daddy Kurapak: We have the money. It's the brain that counts. Jangan marah eh!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Roti Kosong satu!!!!!

Almost every morning I go to Indian Restaurant. 

I admire the Indians who are so committed in expanding their restaurant businesses. Every where, we can easily find Indian restaurants. I enjoy the cepati, nan and beryani.

But at the same time, are we not ashamed of ourselves - Negara Melayu but the economy is controlled by the foreigners?

Daddy Kurapak: To our leaders, please help the Malay businessmen. Most of them are 'nyawa-nya ikan', Boss!

Let's do Aerobics with the seniors

You know that time is just an illusion. That's why you don't feel the biological process of aging. All of a sudden you are already 40. Wow!!! you were so young few years ago. So time flies so fast that you will regret if you just wasted your time for nothing.

HEALTH certainly is very important as an ingredient to live a happy life. Wealth is nothing if your health is deteriorating.

Avoid non-healthy life style. Smoking will invite lots of problems. So don't smoke, PLEASE.

Exerise everyday. Find time to do that. 

To the seniors, CHAIR AEROBICS could be the answer. It promotes heart health, control blood sugar and strengthen knees, ankles, calves, upper body and shoulders.

Daddy Kurapak: Start your day with a SMILE.

Can not tahan, man!

Daddy Kurapak: Lapar ia kali ah? 

So hungry, Brader

Daddy Kurapak: Even if you are so hungry, you have to peel off the skin first, Brader.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tahniah kepada PEPESTA

Tahniah kepada Persatuan Pengadil Sepak Takraw Brunei Darussalam (PEPESTA) kerana berjaya menganjurkan Seminar pengadil sepaktakraw baru-baru ini.

Presiden PEPESTA - Awg Ibrahim Amit dan rakan-rakannya dalam PEPESTA lebih layak mengemudikan Persatuan Sepak Takraw Brunei Darussalam (PESTABARU) kerana mereka mempunyai visi, semangat serta kepakaran untuk mengembalikan kegemilangan sukan tradisi ini.

Ahli-ahli Jawantankuasa PESTABARU yang sudah ketandusan idea dan tidak mampu menghidupkan PESTABARU, sepatutnya bersedia mengundurkan diri secara terhormat kerana kehadiran mereka akan hanya melembabkan perkembangan sepak takraw di Negara ini.

Daddy Kurapak: Sedih melihat sepak takraw di Brunei tidak sepopular dulu. Malahan di arena antara bangsa Brunei sudah dapat di buli oleh pasukan-pasukan dari Australia, Jepun dan Korea. 

The latest craze in Brunei

Daddy Kurapak: Astaga....mun jadi pemimpin....ayung negara ni.

Hairstyle -Coming Soon to Brunei

Daddy Kurapak: Anak jin kali ah?

The Sexiest teeth

Please be generous with your smile. It will make other people happy. And will not make you poor.

Daddy Kurapak: Kurangkan gula dalam Teh C special. Hehehe!

Try if you dare!

Crocodiles are harmless. Unless when they are provoked.

Daddy Kurapak: JUST LIKE MEN. Pui!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Turban Competition

Daddy Kurapak: Please send your vote to 8983288

Monday, November 17, 2008

Silat from the Malays for the West

Silat is now being studied in the West. The Malays should do their best to protect this heritage since we do not want to see an American knows the silat more than orang Melayu, as an example. Mind you, people from the West especially the Americans are very committed and dedicated when comes to digging the secrets of self-defence technic from the Orient.

Daddy Kurapak: The Silat Association should be more active in promoting Silat at national and regional level.

Shah Faisal Mosque, Islamabad, Pakistan

The Mosque built on the Margal Hills, represents an 8-faceted desert 'tent' supported by 4 towering minarets.

The building work started in 1976, costing SR 130 million, it covers an area of 53,831 sq ft (5,000 sq m), it can accomodate 10,000 worshippers and a further 40,000 in the adjacent square.

The Islamic University is located in the Mosque grounds and the first floor under the courtyard in the East with facilities of library, Conference Room, Printing Press and Cafeteria.

It is functioning with 800 students from within and outside the country.

An Islamic Reserch Institute is also associated with the University. 

Daddy Kurapak: We have many beautiful mosques here. But they fail to attract the Muslims especially during Subuh Prayer. Let's go to the Mosque for our Solat Fardu especially Solat Subuh.

What's the point of MIB slogan if the mosques are always empty? 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hole in One

Daddy Kurapak: Let's play golf so that we get both - Healthy body and the above corvette!

He thinks he is funny.

The world would be much happier without him.

Daddy Kurapak: Bush is the worst president of USA.

Your Wish is my command!

Genie: But you have only 3 wishes. Ok? Only three. Your first wish now....

Dol (nama glemer): Make me the most handsome man. Better than Tom Cruise.

Genie: (Just with a wink) There you are.

Dol: I want to become a very rich guy.

Genie: (Just with a cough) You get it right now.

Dol: I want to be always around ladies.

Genie: shall you be.

Dol became tampoon.

Daddy Kurapak: Behind every successful man, there is a woman. So as behind his downfall.

Should we have this in Bandar Seri Begawan?

Daddy Kurapak: Walaupun kan gagas, nda tah me berani.

On the way to Brunei

Daddy Kurapak: I admire them. Some of them - because of their patience and committment, have become towkeys now.

While most of us are just proud to say, 'our country is rich'.

Blogger Buzz: Reactions: easily engage your readers

Blogger Buzz: Reactions: easily engage your readers

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Never under estimate a woman

The high-profile murder trial is still on.

Sooner or later, we will know who are behind the scene.

Daddy Kurapak: Tangan yang menghayun buaian boleh menggoncangkan dunia. So don't play play with women!!!!